الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2009

When The Smile Has a Remaining Meaning......Then I smile

when I look at the sky ................................. Then I smile
when abreeze of air passes...........................Then I smile
when the sun rises or sets............................Then I smile
when I taste delicious food ..........................Then I smile
when I meet someone...................................Then I smile
when Iam among my friends.......................Then I smile
when I hugging my beloved.........................Then I smile
when I remember beautiful moment..........Then I smile
when I feel warm in my bed.......................Then I smile
when I success at something..................Then I smile
when I see someone smile...........................Then I smile
when Ilook at THE LIFE.............................Then I smile

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. :)

    ما أجمل ان تكوني سبباً لابتسامة غيرك


    أدام الله ابتسامتك

    ^_^ MeShMeSh ^_^

  2. In addition to the prevuose mantion 'when somone read what have you written that means he was smiling
